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The Tabarani Hadith, also known as the Al-Jami' al-Sahih al-Sagheer, is one of the earliest collections of hadith. It was compiled by Muslim theologian and traditionist Abu Ja'far Mohammad ibn Yusuf ibn Ali al-Tabarani from a large number of sources from around the Islamic world. It is often viewed as a reference work for Shia Muslims. In Sunni Islam, only two collections that need to be cited are Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. Both Tabarani's collection and Sunnis Sahih Bukhari have been cited throughout history. Tabarani includes in his work hadiths which are considered forgeries. However, his collection is still used in Shia Islam. Many of the later "hadith" books contained only narrations by Tabarani within them, or even just a narration by Tabarani, that served as the foundation of the book without any other narrations included. Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani's "Lisan al-Mizan" was structured in this manner exclusively by narrations from Tabarani. Some Sunni hadith collections are known by the name of the collector, but none are known by the name of their actual compiler. This is because in Sunni scholarship, "Hadith" is seen as a branch of "Fiqh" in which only the "student" collects and compiles them because he/she would have already learnt in enormous depth about Islamic Law(Sharia), so much so that he could interpret law directly from the primary sources of Islam(Qur'an, Sunnah). So when it comes to actually writing books on Islamic law, you compile information from other sources instead. The compilation of the "Al-Jami" was started by Abu Ja'far Mohammad ibn Yusuf ibn Ali Al-Tabarani. He mentions in the preface of the book that he had traveled to Baghdad, Hijaz, Egypt, Syria and Yemen in order to collect hadiths for compiling this book. He finished compiling the book when he was in Ahsa' (in modern-day Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia). He died before completing it and left his student Muhammad ibn Ibrahim al-'Abdi behind to finish the remaining six hundred odd pages which he did with different narrations that were also deemed trustworthy. The book was later published in 7 volumes by Muhammad Baqir Behbahani. Jami al-sahih is a collection of traditions (hadiths) according to Shia Muslim scholar Harizi Mostofi: "the most important and most popular of all the hadith collections among the Shi'ites."Most of the Sunni and Shia hadith books cited above were translated into English, French and German languages. cfa1e77820